24 things I'm grateful for in 2024
Seemingly ungrateful girl tries to have a hand at expressing gratitude
Despite everything, I want to express my gratitude for the good things that have kept me sane. Inspired by this post by Laura Jung, I came up with this gratitude list:
My dad and my sibling for always holding the fort.
Friendships. Even if they’re not as many.
Berry, Puppy, and Muffin, the pets that have made the household a little more cheerful.
The ability to work from home and take on tasks unmasked.
My new therapist—for helping me work through overwhelming thoughts and feelings, while teaching me how to accept my reality as a neurodivergent woman with love, trust, and gentleness.
The OB-GYN who put me on birth control.
The neighborhood spots where I can get iced lattes that taste like donuts and chocolate chip cookies that feel like a warm hug.
My pair of Nike Pegasus 41s. They allow me to move freely and swiftly.
Shows like Bluey and Run With the Wind, which teach you how to be a better human being.
Systems like journaling and Asana to keep me productive and accountable.
My ability to recommit to sobriety.
Teammates and leaders that push me to do better, while encouraging me to explore the best ways to learn.
Interests and hobbies like track and field, beauty, fashion, and pop culture—they keep me from going stale.
The convenience of being single.
Afternoon naps.
Bea and Mags—two tarot readers and amazing acquaintances who have been instrumental in discovering my shadow and light.
The lady who operates the counter at Ciento Cookies’ store in Better Living. Her kindness and warmth inspires me to take on the day with the same energy, despite struggling with self-compassion.
Pokemon Go and Strava—for making physical activity fun.
The influx of memes on TikTok and Facebook to keep me silly.
My friends/acquaintances from the beauty community who give me sage advice, while also teaching me how to appreciate my natural features.
The gift of being sensitive—I can experience and feel the world deeply, and hold grace for others.
All the pasta dishes I’ve eaten in 2024, from Baristart’s creamy carbonara, to our family’s go-to lasagna from Greenwich.
The third spaces and the people behind them. They showed me how community and comfort can be IRL.
Lastly, the 2024 version of me. The thirty year-old me. For being a fighter, lover, hater, and even the jokester. Who knew that I could make it out here?
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.